I'm thinking about starting to trade with Bitcoin, but I see people saying that It's risky & almost like gambling.
I think that I mis-understand the meaning of trading.
For me trading Is for EXAMPLE, buying Bitcoin when It's at 550$ and selling It when It's at 670$. This Isn't risky because If Its value doesn't Increase, you'll just have to keep It until It gets higher enough, Is this trading?
I would really appreciate If people clarified more! Thankx
I think what you're saying somehow belongs to trading, you buy bitcoin when the price is low using another currency and selling it when the price is high. Almost have the same idea with investment but still its different. Trading is not as risky as gambling, we can say that they both lack of assurance when it comes to income but still gambling is riskier, because in gambling you base your profit in your luck only itself, but in trading if you have skills and eyes on statistics then you can even assure your profit every time you trade, yes they're risky but the chances of winning is different.