Can you share some strong reasons of why Bitcoin will last?
You will hear how some crypto enthusiasts talk about something called "Bitcoin dominant". This phrase, which is used to indicate the proportion of the total number of bitcoins on the crypto market. When it falls below 50%, the maximalists begin to cry. Ultimately, this is generally a meaningless metric. Over time, it will drop below 10%, and this is good for the rest of the crypt.
Bitcoin is a crypto-grandfather, the first and still the largest online currency of the peer-to-peer network. Someday something will definitely move bitcoin from # 1 place, but not now: the promised Flippening is not close yet.
But even if bitcoin remains on top, its dominant will continue to fall. Why? It's simple - other crypto projects do not just grow, they're becoming more and more numerous.
It does not matter if bitcoin will achieve market capitalization of $ 10 trillion. If there are thousands of crypto projects with a market capitalization of $ 10 billion, it is possible that the share of BTC in the total will decrease to single digits.
A smaller slice of a large pie. Or just a much bigger pie. Is it bad?