No, school make rules to enforce common sense, diligence, and the ability to make a good judgement. If we did not have school rules, students would not waste a second to take advantage of the fact that everything that was once prohibited is now completely fine to do. Take, for example, the school dress code. Our dress code rules teach us to take into account how we look to others by telling us what is and is not appropriate school attire. Without these rules, students are less likely to be well-aware of how to dress appropriately and are more likely to dress indecently and offensively. Secondly, our school rules teach us how to make a good judgement of something. If a rule says "No chewing gum in class", and students choose to follow that rule, then the argument that students will improve their judgement and common sense skills is correct. Why? Because they know that if they do not follow this rule, there will be a consequence for their actions.