How much more time do you think it will take be4 the fall starts? Is it by any chance sustainable? I think btc is going for a rough time soon imo
Eehm… no one is really sure of that, as you can see, the market is now close quarter trillion. By the way they said the price is rate is determined by the how much is being invested by the users, soooo….. do you think anyone is ready to withdraw now? Even if anyone is ready to withdraw, there will still be people ready to invest.
I personally like MomaCoin, they have solid Japanese community, who tends to more patient and loyal, so that sudden price drops wouldn't hurt that much.
Yes, MonaCoin is very promising and I think it's a good buy. It's one in my list of 20 coins I've been monitoring over the past 3 months and that includes Bitcoin, of course, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Monero, Waves, and LEOcoin among the few.
Today the currency market is very wide, there are several good currencies to make a hold. I would personally advise Mnx Coin, in addition to being highly valued in recent days, it has a very interesting park system with a large percentage of earnings. As they said on the topic, Waves and another one with a lot of potential and currently is a bit discredited, but that has a great upward trend, not to mention that many currencies that are coming out in the market today are using their base in their project.
I’m not use to buying new coins. I always recommend Bitcoin as the best. I believe anyone who’s Investing into cryptocurrencies will make more income in Bitcoin than he could from other coins. So, Bitcoin is the best coin to buy, apart from Bitcoin, my next option would be Ethereum.