Isn't the address is same as wallet?
No. Wallets have private key and many public addresses. I don't promote for Bitamp wallet but you can see my posts on Bitamp as an example for bitcoin address types.
It is your key, it is your bitcoin. Secure your key.
With Bitamp wallet, from a single private key, you can have three options to get 3 types of receiving address list, for: standard(1xx), segwit (bxx), and P2SH (3xx). You can choose which types of address you want to use, from the Overview tab or from the Addresses tab. Choose it from the dropdown menu.
The wallet supports change address too.
Additionally, you can import BTC address you get from Bitamp to other wallets, such as Electrum.
On Bitamp, with each receiving address, you will have the key icon, click on it to get private key for that specific address.
Below is an example for you. You should never disclose your private key like that.
On Electrum, click on File > New/ Restore > Import Bitcoin addresses or private key:
- If you copy and paste your BTC address from Bitamp, you will get an imported, watching only on Electrum.
- If you copy and paste your private key from Bitamp, you will get an imported wallet on Electrum.
Name your wallet file and set up a good password on Electrum when you import it.
For more generic info, you can read the book:
Specifically the chapters 4 (Keys, Addresses) and 5 (Wallets): and Public Keys
A bitcoin wallet contains a collection of key pairs, each consisting of a private key and a public key. The private key (k) is a number, usually picked at random. From the private key, we use elliptic curve multiplication, a one-way cryptographic function, to generate a public key (K). From the public key (K), we use a one-way cryptographic hash function to generate a bitcoin address (A). In this section, we will start with generating the private key, look at the elliptic curve math that is used to turn that into a public key, and finally, generate a bitcoin address from the public key. The relationship between private key, public key, and bitcoin address is shown in Private key, public key, and bitcoin address.
Bitcoin wallets contain keys, not coins. Each user has a wallet containing keys. Wallets are really keychains containing pairs of private/public keys (see [private_public_keys]). Users sign transactions with the keys, thereby proving they own the transaction outputs (their coins). The coins are stored on the blockchain in the form of transaction outputs (often noted as vout or txout).[General] Bitcoin Wallets - Which, what, why?