For the people that first bought cryptocurrency, im curious but what percentage of your net worth did you invest? To me, net worth would be all the money in your bank accounts minus anything you owe etc. Of course you include your house and properties you own. However, the issue with those are well they aren't liquid cash where you can have access to it anytime. So based on your net worth, what percentage did you put into cryptocurrency?
I don't have any debts yet, my spending is so little compared to my net worth so I don't keep much cash in my account. That's why over 90% of my net worth is in a form of investment, not liquid cash. Almost all of that investment is in Bitcoin. Yes, I'm a hodler. You might wanna say this is risky but I'm okay with the risk for now.
Because cryptocurrency is very volatile and obviously isn't something you should put a huge percentage of your money into. However, im curious about those people that had their cryptocurrency value go higher than their bank account value which im sure is many people. Also what percentage of people would you say out there whether they told their house or use all the money in their bank account where they have something like 10k or less in their bank account and have something like 50k or even 100k or more in crypto? I would at first think that is crazy but im guessing this is pretty common now since people are selling their homes for btc etc?
It depends on your risk profile. I currently live alone and have no dependents so I'm able to afford that high risk Bitcoin investment for its high gain potential. People who already have family, dependents, and are looking for a stable future shouldn't invest too much in crypto because if it goes the wrong way it might ruin their lives.