For the people that first bought cryptocurrency, im curious but what percentage of your net worth did you invest? To me, net worth would be all the money in your bank accounts minus anything you owe etc. Of course you include your house and properties you own. However, the issue with those are well they aren't liquid cash where you can have access to it anytime.
So based on your net worth, what percentage did you put into cryptocurrency? Im using that word as oppose to bitcoin since well some people definitely only invest in altcoins etc. Like let say someone's net worth is 50k. Let say they don't own a house or anything etc. This 50k is in bank account in savings or anything thats low risk etc. Now from what i read online, it seems that articles seem to suggest to not put more than 10 percent max in it. Many mention 5 percent or even less etc. First off, does anyone here think thats very low or actually very high? The guy with 50k would mean he could put either 5k or 2500. Now that isn't exactly a very tiny amount but in order to make a lot of money, that would be hard. I was watching cnba and they had that guy chamath talk about bitcoin and he mentioned that you should invest 1 percent of your net worth into bitcoin. The other hosts would say well many people don't have the money you have to invest big etc. But he then said well let say you only want have 100 dollars to invest. If you invest the other 99 in other things like stocks or bonds, do 1 dollar in bitcoin because if you lose money in the other 99 percent.. well that 1 percent in bitcoin could possibly offset your losses etc.
So based on that, let say someone has 10000 dollars in money in bank account etc. But they are basically paycheck to paycheck. Wouldn't it be risky for that person to put even 1000 dollars? Because the average net worth of most people are well very low etc. Then i read about people that put everything in their bank account into cryptocurrency etc. Do you think those people are crazy for doing that? I definitely do. But the thing that shocked me are those stories of people selling their house or getting a big loan to buy bitcoin etc. I mean does anyone here think that is just ridiculous?
So if someone has say 10k in their bank account to invest, im curious how much money the average crypto investor would invest. Im guessing 500-2000 is probably the right amount? However im sure there are ppl out there lot of them that just put in 5k or even more into it right?
The other thing is this. What if someone only invested 5 percent or 10 percent or something like 2 percent or as high as 25 percent into crypto. Then it goes all by a huge margin and suddenly their cryptocurrency value compared to their net worth or money in bank account is 50/50 or even higher? If thats the case, would you say that person should at least cash something out? Since there are lot of ppl that invested and then made a lot in returns etc... where imagine someone had 20k in bank account. Invested say 2k. Then that 2k is turns into 25k. And their bank account has say 15k. Would it be smart to just keep holding if they don't need access to the money yet?
Because cryptocurrency is very volatile and obviously isn't something you should put a huge percentage of your money into. However, im curious about those people that had their cryptocurrency value go higher than their bank account value which im sure is many people. Also what percentage of people would you say out there whether they told their house or use all the money in their bank account where they have something like 10k or less in their bank account and have something like 50k or even 100k or more in crypto? I would at first think that is crazy but im guessing this is pretty common now since people are selling their homes for btc etc?
I put most of my savings in crypto currencies especially in Bitcoin, my savings is like 15% of my net worth and I do it monthly.
I safely invest in crypto currencies as I only put the money that I can afford to lose therefore whatever happens in crypto currencies in the future I can still survive. For me selling your house just to invest in crypto currencies is a crazy thinking and I will not try this kind of move.