After paying attention to all the decimal digits for all the relevant amounts for a few weeks, I became so used to mentally parse eight digits in the blink of an eye.
We can simply call 0.001 BTC, 0.001 BTC:)
I found it really hard when I was new here to get a grip of what was what, I had to google which decimal was which etc.
Couple of weeks later ( now ) I don't have to think twice. The human brain is quite good, isn't it. :>
Well, it's good with simple patterns - like 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 etc. I suspect it'd be harder if the pattern was something like...
- Arbitrary word chosen by members of an online forum #1
- Arbitrary word chosen by members of an online forum #2
- Arbitrary word chosen by members of an online forum #3
- ...etc...
But still, had we had those words chosen by members of an online forum from the start of bitcoins, we wouldn't have had anything to say against it today to be honest, our brains would've adapted to that just like we do to the decimals. But changing it now? No thanks.