Now that we are starting to get a good amount of candidates stepping forward, some clarifications:
1) Theymos hasn't clearly stated if he wants one single owner/moderator, an owner responsible for a team moderators or a team of moderators.
2) He has only requested that "someone" composes a list of CANDIDATES, but again it is not clear if he wants a preliminary list of candidates or if he wants the WO community to already give him a list of consensuated candidates.
3) So at this point we are just doing a preliminary list of anyone who would be willing to be owner/moderator once the thread gets unlocked.
4) It seems that Theymos wants to give us a saying on how the thread will be run. He just don't want it to be a PITA for him or for official bitcointalk moderators. This is very reasonable.
5) It also seems that in both voting options that could finally win, there will be a policy change that would result in BTCTK moderators to completely ignore any reports based on "Offtopic" leaving that decision to WO local moderators. The report button will also inform of that. Ie: No reporting on the basis of "offtopic".
6) If I am not wrong, most or even all of candidates atm seem to share the idea of moderating lightly, trying to maintain WO more or less as it was. If any candidate thinks otherwise I would request that they please state so. That way everybody knows what to expect and if there is a community voting/election people could exercise an informed choice.
7) I requested that candidates add his name to the list themselves. As noone seems to be doing it I will try to keep the list updated, but only once per day. Atm only addition is BlindMayorBitcorn, if there is more please state it in this thread. Also it would be advisable that candidates edit their entry expressing what their moderation style will be.
8 Personally, I would like to have an additional multiple-choice poll so that people can really support/veto the candidates. But I suppose it is up to Theymos to say if he will allow us to do that.
9) Another personal opinion I have is that a "comitte" would probably be too much hassle and probably inoperative. An structure with one listed owner responsible for the thread and a team of moderators to support him in his duty would probably be the most efficient. BUt, again, it is up to Theymos to decide that.
10) I think the best is that we debate what we want to do, and then just ask Theymos if it is ok for him. I don't think he is the very least interested on the drama, just solutions.
P.S.: Also, some organization is great but let's just take into account that we are not electing the next Pope