Guys, theymos has explicitly asked for a list of candidates so... can you guys please add your name to the list?
He has not yet stated how the election would be nor if there will be one or many listed owners/mods, but I guess more than one individual would be needed and that we will have some say (maybe even another poll?) on the election.
So anyone willing to help please quote and add your name to the list and, if you want, a description of your moderation style or whatever you feel appropiate. Also feel free to change/modify your own entry (no need to be a single line/paragraph, be as verbose as you want), this is just an example:
lightfoot - "I would go with a largely hands-off option, no directly blasting other people, no posting marketing crap, simple stuff"
yefi - "I'll throw my hat into the ring if there's a shortage though"
arklan - "if mods are needed, i have the time to do it"
kurious - "'Happy to help any team on a part time basis if it will keep the WO going in a fashion as close to its original anarchic form as possible'"
Erkallys - "I candidate if this is needed. At least I have no hatred toward me as well as any fanboy."
P.S.: Missed a candidate (Erkallys) that already expressed his willingness to help. Added him to the list. But please, candidates add yourselves, thanks