Well, I believe the "new technology" has arrived and is here to bring about a revolution in how things work.
Of course, at the moment everything is very incipient because we have few users who actually use this type of technology.
But, we are seeing an improvement in this subject.
Crypto, DeFi, NTF and now the Metaverse.
A few days ago I saw a very interesting video related to the Metaverse of how a person could do their shopping at the supermarket or mall!
It really caught my attention and I found it very interesting.
ps: if I can find the video link, I'll share it with you (of course if that's possible)
Revolutions take a significant amount of time to manifest themselves, lets look at the Internet, while the Internet began to be widely used by the public in the 90’s and then we saw an explosion on the number of it users, we know the Internet is way older than that and it took all that time for people to understand the concept of it and even more time for people to become familiar with it, but once they did a revolution happened and now we cannot live without the Internet.
The Internet has been actively developing since 2000 (since the beginning of the new millennium). Since 2000, the Internet began to be massively used by ordinary people.
The recognition and acceptance of smartphones happened very quickly. Until 2010, there were virtually no mass smartphones.
People massively used push-button phones. Particularly advanced users (geeks) used communicators. Communicators were not used for entertainment, they were positioned as the best solution for business and time management.
These were niche solutions.
From this we can conclude that it is the focus on entertainment (on the show) that makes the technology mass.