If bitcoin takes hold how are they going to able to fund their police state or military industrial complex to go after bitcoin ?
If they were really all powerful the silk road wouldnt be out there giving them the finger right now
Sales Tax on merchant nodes, property tax, luxury tax, capital gains taxes (enforced by exchangers), and a variety of other ways they can tax you (EVEN WITH Bitcoin)....
People who are serious about Bitcoin need to stop saying that they aren't going to be paying any taxes...
I will admit that it will be much more difficult for a state authority to abuse a system like Bitcoin, but saying we're not paying taxes!
It sends the wrong message, and only shows you are living in pure fantasy land when you say "they can't touch me", when really they can...
Here's how I see it going down:1. As the State (pick your State) spirals down into inevitable default, confidence in the State deteriorates even further.
2. For economic/survival reasons more people move into the informal economy - bitcoin helps them and helps protect them from confiscation, inflation, etc.
3. Tax revenue drops off and cash-starved States are forced to either shrink (cut costs), increase taxes, or inflate at a faster rate.
4. Those who move into the shadow economy - and protect their savings with bitcoin - will be less affected than those who don't and they will be able to bear the increased tax burden better than their non-bitcoin neighbors.
5. As the poor economy worsens, and the tax burden becomes too great for the non-bitcoiners, they will go into the streets in open revolt - thus creating somewhat of a check against State expansion - all while pushing more people into the informal economy and bitcoin.
6. At this point the State either becomes brutally totalitarian or shrinks dramatically. To prevent the former it is imperative that the ideas of liberty and sound economics are preached far and wide because, in the end, it is ultimately a war of ideas.
Here is one of my favorite quotes:“Economics is sometimes thought of as a very dry and dismal subject dealing with dusty tomes of statistics about material goods and services. Economics is not a dry subject. It is not a dismal subject. It is not about statistics. It is about the human life. It is about the ideas that motivate human beings. It is about how men act from birth until death. It is about the most important and interesting drama of all – human action.
“The main objective of economics is to substitute consistently correct ideas and actions for the contradictory ideas and actions inherent in popular fallacies…
“We all want things that are not necessarily essential, but we always choose those actions which we think will best improve the situation from our viewpoint. This means that the ideas that men hold determine their choice of actions. This means that the most important thing in the world is ideas.”- Percy L. Greaves, Jr., Understanding the Dollar CrisisBTW: Can you guess who the elephant represents in the quote beneath my avatar?