If bitcoin crash today, what will be your fate? Poor or rich. Most people on the platform have submitted all their life savings to bitcoin investment. There was once a man in my area who sold his house to invest in a local platform called BARAZAR in 4 months missive the so-called BARAZAR was shoot down and now he does not have a cottage. So I ask again if bitcoin crashed today what will be your description rich or poor?
Though i am hoping that there will never be a reason as to why bitcoin should crash and never rise again, because i know that I have almost all my investments on bitcoin and some other altcoins, infact, 95 percent of my live investments is in crypto currencies, so in as much as it is hard to say or believe, I would agree that, if bitcoin crashes today, which also will affect the entire cryptocurrency market, then I consider myself poor , this is all that there is to it, there is no need beating about the bush, Bitcoin, as well as cryptocurrencies in general controls my business, if it crashes, it simply means my business has crashes, but yeah, i believe it never will, this is an imaginative question with imaginative answer.