If bitcoin crash today, what will be your fate? Poor or rich. Most people on the platform have submitted all their life savings to bitcoin investment.
If people does think and actually do that(I'd assume most people out there do that for "bigger" return), I can only say I'm really sad to hear that.
There was once a man in my area who sold his house to invest in a local platform called BARAZAR in 4 months missive the so-called BARAZAR was shoot down and now he does not have a cottage. So I ask again if bitcoin crashed today what will be your description rich or poor?
What is Barazar? If it's some kind of altcoins, then comparing to Bitcoin is just really misleading because it's completely different.
If you are dealing with Bitcoin as the investment, then you should be aware about what happen in the future especially the worst case possible for example if the price is dumped to the ground.
Just please, invest with money that you can afford. Even if it's small, it's much better than using your life savings into something volatile.