Millions is not impossible, I'm always a skeptic on just about every move Bitcoin makes but that target is possible because we are in a unique point in history. If every government had zero debt, ran a balanced or budget in surplus not massive deficits. If we had trade balance occuring or on trend towards balance not deficit then I would not agree with such a silly sounding target but massive inaccuracies are in the prices of many things and Bitcoin can alter dramatically.
I still think BTC has to develop far more and be a simple 1 click type product for the millions who dont know and dont care especially about technology, they just want it to work for them.
Bitcoin's low velocity of money and lack of ask side liquidity. The rules that apply to fiat money and gold don't apply to Bitcoin
i thought BTC had a high velocity and hence why its worth more then people imagine it could be. Maybe I'm just thinking of the trades done on exchanges because I'd agree actual business and price agreed in open market matters more.
I think the rules for the market will eventually apply to all, we have a distortion presently that benefits Government treasury debt so that its nearly paying nothing towards those who support it. At some point these dead weight assets will have to float in open markets and support themselves like every product eventually must with plain supply and demand, either they will sink or find a way to survive with alot more effort then present near 0% rate returns.