Most people think life is a bed of roses, is all about sunshine, enjoyment etc not knowing that there's always a tough time and the ability of one to overcome this time makes him great. Tough time is the point through which poor and successful people emerges depending on the choices and decision they take.
Most traders and investors are inpatient they only think of the positive side of it ( making profit) not knowing there will always be a loss someday, well most of them know but when they make losses they became frustrated and unstable, some will give up because of that little experience. Sometimes we make losses and we have bad experience like we offend God but no, we are only been tested. Some of the spirit of a trader or invest is "I can make it mindset, resilience...
Not sure what to express or how to express it, but I think life is beautiful, If you have enough money to meet your daily desires, you can travel along the world not saying spend a lot of money on the country to country visits, but better spend some time out fo town, explore the world around you don't consider it as a way full of hardships and arduous journey. Enjoy life and thank God for his blessings.
Don't waste time just making bucks in greed, without exploring the beauty of peace and nature around you. Don't go for more and more, work hard for food, and shelter share feelings, and spend quality time with relatives. Money is the need not the goal.
For the rest it's the usual discussion, better place/move this topic to the trading section. I want to express my side of enjoying life not as a trader to focus on risk management, gains, losses, and bla blah, we usually do it. Putting some emotions in the post si also important