Some of the spirit of a trader or invest is "I can make it mindset, resilience...
And this is not a bad mindset, there is nowhere you would hear that resilience is a bad characteristic either. The plain truth is that trading is sweet but you must experience so many journeys before it would really be sweet for you, and by being sweet, I mean it's easy and will consistently be earning for the trader. Yet, a thorough and foolproof trading experience is needed to get to that level, trading is not what you just dabble upon, you have to think like a trader and also act like one in the ability of not giving up but rather continue to find the so-called "secret" behind it. Mind you, there is no secret in trading, everything is well-known and depends on how you've learned and how creatively you use what you learned, but nevertheless, called it secret in a figurative way so as to know the beauty of trading when you eventually reach there. That's how people would believe also that you own the secret, but in practice, it's about training and they might even know more than what you know, only that you use it better than them. So is that a secret? I say No, it's an effort and wisdom.
As an experienced trader, for the journey of learning and training to be short, I strongly advise that traders should focus on;
1. Trading strategy,
2. Trading Management,
3. Trading psychology, and
4. Plan (coordination of what you know).
Knowing all these, I would like the person to ensure at least two trading strategies, of which one must be a trend trading strategy, while the other is a support and resistance strategy. I recommend Trendline for the latter. If done, now focus so well on 2&3 without letting style-drift affect you the way it wastes the time of others as 2&3 holds the true success of traders. But that is after they are sure of 1.