There are different ways that you can be scammed from phone calls, email and more but the easiest way you can identify possible scam is the information you get from the team may not be the same and not being the same is showing you something that you have to run.
About phone, SIM swap attack is one type of scam.
About email, don't click on email from strangers and don't click on strange links just because you are curious or careless what the link is.
You should check your email settings after a while, because if your email is hacked but you did not notice about it. Hackers can change email settings and turn off notifications about strange logins and suspicious activities.
In telegram group, when different account chat you and asking to help you then you know they are seeing a new catch or prey to eat up, run away. Admin is the only account to respond to with care because you don't have to believe everything you hear.
Telegram groups are full of scammers. They try to impersonate real admins and scam newbies.
Rules are don't talk to members who DM you first. Don't send them private key, wallet seeds, password. And definitely don't send them money.