You want to bet against someone who has been developing ATI/AMD GPU apps for 3 years, who has been tracking and estimating the perf of their past and future GPUs for as much time, and who wrote the first CAL IL Bitcoin miner for Radeon cards? Sweet
Let's craft the terms of the bet more precisely. Especially let's take overclocking out of the equation as it is very variable from card to card (what if I claim I own a 7xxx card doing 800 Mhash/s? And you accuse me of photoshopping? We want results anybody can replicate.) As of today, the 5850, with a 151 Watt TDP, does 295 Mhash/s with the latest cgminer, at stock GPU clock, mem clock, and voltage. This is 1.95 Mhash/Joule. I predict that
a 28nm 7xxx GPU will achieve at least 1.85 times this performance (3.61 Mhash/Joule) at stock GPU clock, mem clock, voltage, and all other settings, as benchmarked with cgminer 1.6.2 with the phatk kernel. If AMD fails to release a GPU matching my description by Sep 4, 2012 (a year from now), you win.
For example, I win if:
- a 100 Watt 7xxx card is released and achieves at least 100*3.61 = 361 Mhash/s
- a 150 Watt 7xxx card is released and achieves at least 150*3.61 = 542 Mhash/s
- a 200 Watt 7xxx card is released and achieves at least 200*3.61 = 722 Mhash/s
Let's bet 4 BTC. Deal? My email address is m.bevand at, send me yours.