Believe it or not a used KNC Titan miner (used 4 months march 6th) I was told the guy just wanted his orig BTC back on or above what he paid vs what he
had mined with the unit at that time. I think it was at the time of negotiation unused sitting in a corner due to heat (Australia outback) and elec was 34c kwh or some such it was in an a/c vs space heater war with his air conditioning in the apartment he had I think and losing...also he was traveling a lot I think it was probably shut off in a corner
at the time of our conversation on buying it...he had also burned out some PSU's from the heat I think..previous to this and to be fair the heat was probably making
the unit a really touchy beast to keep up too boot.
again imho he got this knc unit via an upgrade of a neptune (nov 2013) with coin he likely mined on a knc jupiter or some such at probably 1 BTC
every 2 days.thus we are talking his investment was 2 weeks of mining BTC for the unit paid with BTC (prob 10) at the nov 2013 BTC 1k prices he later (as I did dumb for me as well)
upgraded it to a KNC Titan scrypt miner instead ..but with no refund was stuck like all us Titan users with it 4 months late (if you count WORKING frimware as I do)
so I said sure ..sent him 2.3 BTC for the whole thing ..which I gather got him to his original coin back
..was originally just gonna get some cubes..but wtf even if it half way worked was a good deal for the whole works
...the USD PRICE at the time if I remember was $569.00 this was my total price of what 2.3 btc was worth at xfer
of which $267 was shipping..which was included in the price of 2.3 btc
so with what he mined those 4 months or so and/or and my 2.3 btc he likely got the BTC he originally paid for it at the 1000 usd plus of nov 2013
and was probably pissed off just dealing with it ...also I suspect he was a whale and has drunk the kool aid so would have held the BTC paid (say 10 BTC)
back in nov 2013 anyway on the original wtf he got his BTC back and washed his hands of the whole KNC experience
I works fine FULL OUT gets 375.0 mh in 4 cube mode unlike my original titan (with 1 dead die on two different cubes that knc will not RMA if only 1 dead die per cube)
that and my orig titan of with 2 bad dies I get 650.1 mh on the works
to say I won the lottery is an understatement ..then again it is cool where I am even in summer in basement and 12c kwh electric
but anyway I doubt as the most I spent BTC as a currency story in this thread the above can be beat.....I was damn damn lucky and know it
by the by as a joke a month or two previous i told him when in the future it was not worth mining anymore I would take a cube or two ( I was gonna mine
my orig titan past doorstop status at an electric loss ..I have no life after home mining (too true) so would probably stall...
Of course I expected it like 9 months later then march 6th rather then the 2 months previous
just goes to show never know when an off hand half serious future offer may or may not be acted upon..hell it was mostly just a joke tossed out there
but anyway the most BTC I've ever spent was 2.3 BTC and got the above on march 6th 2015
good luck hope you all have such dumb and I know it was really really dumb luck on my part ...thus my probably too long for this thread story
also to balance out the suspected posts on here of BTC sent towards say asic equipment that never arrived I suspect this is an unlikely outcome in the other direction
for such in the way of dumb luck!