There is no need to pay attention to other people about this, because every loss and gain is a result that must be accepted by everyone after the process, so you just need to take care of yourself so you don't lose like them.
it's true you said the right thing, without paying attention to them and taking care of yourself will the value of BTC skyrocket again so as not to lose like them?
Market observers and traders really influence the value of the btc, you remember Elon Musk, he only observes the market but Dian's comments or tweets affect the market price, there we lose and profit.
Not just the market watchers, but the traders and some investors will also get the effect because they think that their investment value will drop significantly if the bitcoin price jumps to the lower price.
it must be vigilant, this is so if you are not careful to buy and sell, you have to wait a long time or you experience big losses.