So much fail in one statement. First, you'll discover that there are quite a lot of people here interested in a multi-polar view on events. Second, you are obviously NOT watching Russian TV. If you did, you'd know that USA gets a rather small share of air time, on par with Finland or Italy.
I watch Russian TV ( 1Channel, not RussianTV on USA network) and you are lying. USA is constantly in the news and is shown as aggressor and the cause of everything that is wrong in the world and Russia.
And it's not just TV, visit any Russian new site and see for yourself.
Here is current 10 "news of the day":
3 oil related, 2 Ukraine related, one Denmark, one Russia and THREE that has to do with USA, out of which TWO has nothing to do with internal affairs ( a school/weapon and train crush in California)...
Actually, you are supporting my claim.
Two of those article about USA is just normal reporting.
That kind of news would be retorted the same way if the shooting happened in Finland or the train crash happened in India.
Your claim was that Finland or Italy gets as much reporting as USA, and that is just 100% lie easily disprovable by visiting any Russian new site. That's not normal reporting,
There were 10 times more people who died in the avalanche in Afghanistan that happened the same day, and it got almost no coverage from any of those news sites you quoted comparing to train crush in USA.
Other sources which I prefer: ... are more balanced
Ok let's look at set to Moscow location:
01:09 MBД oблacти: двoe пoдpocтoкoв в Дoнeцкoй oблacти пoдopвaлиcь нa минe
01:03 Moлния: Глaвe MBД дoлoжeнo oб yбийcтвe Heмцoвa, yжe ввeдeн плaн "Пepexвaт"
00:56 Гocкoмиccия ПMP ypeзaлa мapтoвcкиe зapплaты и пeнcии нa 30%
00:45 Яшин: Бopиc Heмцoв yбит в цeнтpe Mocквы
00:38 Биpжи CШA зaкpылиcь в минyce нa дaнныx пo BBП cтpaны
00:36 Чacть cepoй вeтки мeтpo Mocквы зaкpывaeтcя нa дeнь нa peмoнт
00:19 КибepБepкyт: CШA xoтят дoвepить пocтaвки opyжия Киeвy чacтным фиpмaм
00:15 Typция и EК пoдпиcaли coглaшeниe o пpoгpaммe пo зaнятocти
23:55 Oбaмa: зaбoлeвaeмocть Эбoлoй coкpaтилacь в Либepии в 20 paз
If I click on the "all news" will I see that Germany's stock market closed down on worry of Greece support burden ? Nah, that's not the news, the "USA is going down because of GDP" is the news.
Just for fun: of the first 100 news 16 have ONLY to do with USA ( so not USA and some other country...) while all other countries even MENTIONED in the article i.e. "Spain in Ukraine" or Turkey signs gas agreement total to 12.
They all must've had the slow news day I guess... only it was not as evidenced by going to bbc or AP or AlJazera.
Once again: Russia's media is absolutely concentrating on USA and posting every news possible to show what a horrible bad country it is, fairly or not.