As you are hopefully aware, the bitcoin price will likely not be repeating the same bubble pattern as last year. The question is, when will the prices intersect? We are currently 3x the 2011 bubble price, but have fallen below that mark before. Note that because of the leap year, 365 days ago is not equivalent to a year ago.
To make it easier to pinpoint the date (because trades are not continuous), the
open price is the only price that will be compared.
June 20-26, 2011 did not have opens on Mt. Gox USD, so the opens will be considered $16.89 (not that it will likely matter considering our current situation).
Edit: Two days after I made the chart, massive gains last year and decreases now are rapidly shrinking the boundary. Only 73% (no longer 200%) remains between this year and last year!
Here's a new chart: