We all knew that one of the designs of this operation would be to use the 'vaxxed' to apply pressure against their fellow citizens who are looking at things with more scientific rigor and not liking what we see. Your reaction is exactly as we anticipated. What we didn't know would be the ratios of minions who could be utilized and how violent they can be made. We still don't.
You may find that the threats and violence come from the anti-vaxxers, rather than those who favour rational thought.
Most of us are capable of high levels of violence if backed into a corner. If a corporation with
billions of dollars in judgments for falsifying safety data and lying comes at us with a forced experimental gene therapy, for sure it will be 'backing us into a corner.' If said company and their allies in the corp/gov space use people like yourself as blunt-force instruments (thugs, leg-breakers, etc) to achieve their objectives, you can expect to feel the negative consequences in relation to your effectiveness.
From the get-go, 'our type' were vocal and fine about people doing what they want vis-a-vis the experimental injections. All we ever did is offer info, and over and over made it clear that the choice is up to individuals how they are to proceed. That is diametrically opposed to the kinds of force you guys have been chomping at the bit to apply to others in the name of the 'greater good'. That attitude of forcing others people to do things in fundamental to 'communitarianism' which is the driving philosophy of your side because it is what your programmers (including the Pfizer's of the world) want.
I would say that the kind of person to watch out for might be someone who views being asked to wear a mask during a respiratory pandemic as an outrageous imposition on their civil liberties. Certain people are prone to hysteria, and very susceptible to concocted outrage.
You obviously would have said the same thing about the star-of-David arm band.
I would suggest there is also some overlap with those slavering zealots whom Trump so easily weaponised in his abortive coup attempt.
Most of the people you are imagining were antifa meth-heads who changed their costume (slightly) for that psy-op. There were a bunch of genuine Q-tard morons who didn't figure out Trumps game within a short time of his swearing in milling around the grounds. Those people are no where near the kind of threat that the communitarian creeps (like you) pose. They might get close if/when another Trump is installed, but probably not since they still tend to be more individualistic on core programming. I'll worry about them later if/when the pose a threat.
'Nature' is the quintessential programming for your class of pseudo-intellectual 'tards. Means nothing when they engage in propaganda to foster your 'scientism' education. Anyone who knows and semi-diversity of people in real life can see how absurd their 'data' is.