what do you think about buying cheapest btc.i want to become trader but i dont have idea where to buy and sell.
first i want to say selling btc is ok if i have btc.but if i want to buy and sell,then first tell me where to buy so that i could sell for profit.
A definition of
Cheapest for an exchange from any single base currency A - e.g Yen - to a stock currency B - e.g Bitcoin - it may depend on - primarily - the (1) exchange rate for the (A,B)
currency pair at (2) the broker, trading house, or other institution where one is proposing to conduct the exchange. Of course, the market exchange rate may shift over time, for any single currency pair in any single exchange market. Ideally, the trading house with the highest A*B rate would offer, in a sense, the cheapest alternative for purchasing
more Bitcoin from currency A.
*** you...no one replied me
dood that was like an hour. Communications takes time, bruh?