The highest I have found so far is It is not a faucet, you have to complete tasks and offers, but it pays far more than faucets.
And offcourse it will pay you for spamming your referal URL over here. Like others in this topic.. Be aware of this. You'll see such links are referal URLs when you point your mouse on it.. You will see something like the website ending with ref=XXXXXXX or /R/XXXXXXX etc..
But hey, that's indeed another way to get "free" BTC. Make promotion for some website, for some products or services. Many websites offer you a possibility to become a so called "affiliate", and then you will receive some (very small amount of) BTC when someone signs up through your referal URL.
Why the sour attitude? It costs nothing to use the referral link, it literally makes no difference whatsoever. And its on topic so its not spam. When did referral links become evil? Some are great, if you refer someone on coinbase for example, you BOTH get 5 bucks. You shouldn't act like a link is a scam, because it isn't. It is an incentive for me to waste my time typing about it to someone who might want to know, and more people might find out about something they didn't know about.
Protip: If for some reason you don't like referral links all you have to do is type in the address or just google it in stead of clicking. See? Its easy!
Speaking of "spam" links being spread around, you got a pretty nice one yourself in your sig. Somehow I doubt you put that there just because you are a nice guy. It might be considered a good way to earn "free" coin. In any case you might want to take advantage of a spell checker.