Why don't we try to compare similar coins trying to achieve the same thing or very similar things to see which one really would be best to invest in.
for example.
monero vs bbr
dark vs xc
block vs supernet
maidsafe vs videoshare
there seems a mad race on still for anon, social media, video and media sharing,
I guess we can only compare them on their proven tech at this point, so we'd need some smart tech guys to help us make a good comparison.
I'm now taking a look at opal and aero based upon some praise in this thread.
What about tile coin? anyone strong bull on that one?
Did you checkout Gems? What do you think about it? https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/anngemz-getgems-social-messaging-app-that-pays-live-on-android-ios-web-758004
I've been a lurker for a dev team that goes public, gives interviews, attends conventions to promote their concept. This shows they are pretty confidence about it which makes it interesting to follow.