Do you have any other choice? Tax evasion is extremely risky. That is why I am paying the taxes, although I don't agree with the concept.
Civil disobedience has never been without risk... and never been more necessary in the world today. No positive change ever happened without it!
Ya gotta ask yourself, where is your line in the sand?
- State sponsored torture
- endless unfounded wars of aggression, just for profit of an elite few
- terrorizing of sovereign countries through relentless drone attacks
- government sponsored kill lists
- the shredding of the constitution
- the absolute thievery of the poor & middle classes wealth
- the relentless, unending thievery of wealth through inflation
- ubiquitous spying on every little detail of our lives
- forced vaccinations
- forced "health care"...
Hell, you can even be jailed now for capturing rainwater on your own land.
Growing your own food, living off the grid, & refusing to vaccinate your children makes you a "suspected terrorist" in the land of the free.
(need I go on?)
That is what you're voting for when you use the Federal Reserve note. That is what you're enabling when you send in those tax dollars.
Just how bad does it get before you say, ENOUGH!
That line for me was crossed long ago. Get out of the country if you can, and renunciate citizenship.
If you can't do that, then use every tool at your disposal for non-violent civil disobedience. Refuse to feed this monster any longer at any and all cost.
Refuse to use the Federal Reserve Note. Do your biz in Gold, silver, copper, & crypto currencies... (And sleep well at night, knowing your wealth didn't enable torturing or killing of anyone today.)