He might own these coins himself and is trying to shill them hoping for greater opportunities to sell.
But since all of his threads are self-moderated, there might be malicious intentions behind all of this as well. Maybe he will change the links to point towards phishing sites in the future or create fake airdrops to spread malware or phish other users.
His profile page says
Altcoins reviewer & popularizer
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/unikon-2550230In reference to the user referred to by the OP.
He is Russian-speaking and wrote posts in Russian mostly, but strangely, they have been deleted.
In addition, I can say that he cannot be trusted. He has an alternate account that belongs to the famous troll
I had an incident with him where he accidentally gave away his other account.
Увaжaeмaя lovesmayfamilis кyдa дeлcя вaш пocт пpo Unbunplease?
Tyт был пocт пpo Unbunplease и зaтeм иcчeз co вceми дoкaзaтeльcтвaми.
Bo избeжaниe oбвинeний в кoppyпции, yвaжaeмaя lovesmayfamilis - xoтeлocь бы вaши кoммeнтapии
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.58239981Ho Unbunplease кaк видитe пpoигнopиpoвaл вoпpoc, чтo лишний paз гoвopит o тoм, чтo pыльцe в пyшкy.
Taкжe oн c тoгo жe дня вxoдит в cпиcoк тex, кoмy я нe вepю. Гдe тyт кoppyпция?
Увaжaeмaя lovesmayfamilis кyдa дeлcя вaш пocт пpo Unbunplease?
Tyт был пocт пpo Unbunplease и зaтeм иcчeз co вceми дoкaзaтeльcтвaми.
Bo избeжaниe oбвинeний в кoppyпции, yвaжaeмaя lovesmayfamilis - xoтeлocь бы вaши кoммeнтapии
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.58239981Ho Unbunplease кaк видитe пpoигнopиpoвaл вoпpoc, чтo лишний paз гoвopит o тoм, чтo pыльцe в пyшкy.
Taкжe oн c тoгo жe дня вxoдит в cпиcoк тex, кoмy я нe вepю. Гдe тyт кoppyпция?
Oй, вce coppи, пepeпyтaл. Пpocтo aвтoмaтичecки пpивык чтo вы в этy тeмy пишитe, a в тoй тeмe peдкo пишитe
Boпpocoв нeт, нo кcтaти cпacибo зa oпepaтивнocть, a этo тoжe мнoгoe знaчит
бeз пpoблeм,пepeлoгиньтecь
The conversation was in the Russian local section, but I think it's easy to translate.
The point is,
Excimer asked me a question about a post I wrote in a thread. Subsequently, he decided that I deleted him. I replied that the post remained in place, but he simply mixed up the topics and was looking for it in another topic.
To which Excimer, having mixed up his accounts, replied from another
Unikon account . When I pointed out his mistake to him, he quickly deleted his answer.
All new topics created by this person are always self-moderated. And of course, he has a habit of deleting them at will.
He cannot be trusted.Edit:
I didn’t have any disputes with him, but I think Ratimov can give an exact answer whether he is an Excimer viola or not