Alik Bakhshi
Who is Putin?
I did not consider myself a strong physiognomies, but since I saw this unsympathetic face, devoid of spirituality, with small, prickly mouse eyes, a troubled sense of expectation of great misfortune arose in his mind. Putin introduced himself to me as the complete opposite of Democrat Yeltsin, a man who will try to revive the empire within the borders of the USSR and begin with the rebellious Chechnya. Unfortunately, my fears were justified. As soon as the news of the demolition of houses with residents in Moscow, Volgodonsk and Buinaksk in 1999, I immediately realized who and for what these attacks. Putin was in a hurry, there was not much time left before the presidential elections. Yes, cruelly and ruthlessly, but 307 victims served as a pretext for Putin to start an even bloodier Second Chechen War. Knowing perfectly the mentality of the Russian people with their imperial worldview, which was in abundance and in itself, Putin, having restored Chechnya to the bosom of the Russian Empire, became a people's favorite and a deserved candidate for the presidency. Russian oligarchs Berezovsky and Gusinsky, who led Putin to power and calculated to make a puppet from him, did not see the Nazi patriot in the chekist, for which they paid for themselves, fleeing the country. Thus, Putin's way to power is covered with thousands of corpses.
Well, then it went and went. The Kremlin as a nest of international terrorism under Putin began to act even more cynically and brazenly, without fear of incriminating him in terrorism. Putin covers the perpetrators of the death of 298 people of the Malaysian Boeing Flight MH-17, shot down by the Russian complex "Buk" over the occupied territory of Ukraine. The well-known phrase "the Kremlin has long arms" has again gained relevance. Not embarrassed at all, Putin physically removes his accusers, wherever they are. Guided by the words of Machiavelli, "the end justifies the means", Putin, using lies and deceit, and began to restore the empire. Over the former colonial peoples of the Russian Empire, there is a real threat of re-entering the "prison of nations". There was a war with Georgia, Ukraine. Under the pretext of "defending the Russian world" in any post-Soviet republic, Putin is preparing, after Ukraine, to enter the troops into Moldova, the Central Asian republics, and if necessary, to start a war with Azerbaijan with the hands of Armenia.
In this regard, Putin prepares the international community for the introduction of the Russian army into the post-Soviet republics under one more pretext, namely, to protect Russia from Islamic terrorists on long-range (meaning Syria) and near approaches (it should be understood that these are Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan , As well as Azerbaijan). From Russian politicians, the intention to fight terrorists more often is heard more often. This means that Moscow can at any time begin the annexation of the above-mentioned countries without communication, there appeared terrorists wishing to go to war with Russia or not. Clearly, there are no Islamic terrorists who have penetrated into these countries from the Middle East to go to Russia, and why they need Russia, but is this really the case? In short, as there, in the fable of Krylov wolf words:
"You are to blame for that
That I want to eat. "
Russia was an aggressive country, so it remained. Even defeat in the Cold War did not change its essence. And the reason is not in Putin, but in the mentality of the Russian people, in its dense imperial worldview, expressed in its extreme form of Great Russian chauvinism. In the pathological inability to exist in conditions of democracy, which was well demonstrated by the short period of Yeltsin's rule, when the Russian people, incapable of independent production and political activity in conditions of freedom, croaked blood from the oligarchs who plundered the country, various criminal groups and outright bandits. The Russian people and Democracy are nonsense. People who go into a stupor when they see the well-being of their neighbor and, in order to find peace of mind, try not to achieve this prosperity, but to destroy it, democracy does not need anything. Under the conditions of democracy, the Russian people will be lost and lose their so beloved empire, in which everything is decided by the tsar, the secretary-general, or today a lifelong president with the authority of the emperor of all Russia.
Putin has emasculated the rudiments of Yeltsin's democracy, leaving only names from it, such as the Constitution, elections, freedom of speech, freedom of rallies and demonstrations. The vertical of power built by Putin and the inevitable corruption permeated the whole country from Putin to the smallest official. In this light, the appearance on the political background of a fighter against corruption Navalny, who is going to run for president, looks ridiculous, because corruption is a consequence of the political structure of the country and the people's mentality, and not a phenomenon that has arisen on its own. And in this aspect, Navalny has no plans. Even if we assume that the people will choose him instead of Putin, he, being the emperor of the Russian Empire, will not be able to change anything. After all, Navalny did not say a word about changing the political system, as the only sure way to defeat corruption in Russia. Navalny certainly can make trouble in the country, take people to demonstrations and rallies, but for this case, Putin prudently created an army of oprichniki - the national guard, whose sole purpose is precisely to combat such a phenomenon as popular revolt.
We must pay tribute to Putin, who does everything for the spiritual satisfaction of his people, not only by giving him Crimea and Ukraine, but also benefiting from sporting achievements in the international arena, soldering athletes with doping. Victory at any cost turned into a disgrace for Russia and an unprecedented catastrophe. Putin trampled on the Olympic slogan "sport outside politics." Russia is the only country in the World where there is a government minister with the right to decide the fate of any athlete representing Russia in international competitions. Is it possible to imagine that without the knowledge of President Putin, the structure of the FSB for machinations with samples of athletes for doping was involved. Conscience, morality for Putin are not existing concepts. Putin is the initiator and concealer of the use of doping. Victory at any cost, the main message of Putin to his shanks, who are ready to turn out, trampling all norms of morality.
Putin's efforts ultimately resulted in the isolation of Russia and its transformation into an outcast of the international community
In peaceful conditions, the empire can not function long by nature, from time to time the empire needs another victim to mobilize the imperial spirit, otherwise it will wither away. Any country for the empire is a potential enemy, especially rich. The Russian people do not tolerate the welfare of the West, and Putin's propaganda easily finds among the people fertile ground for cultivating hatred of the values of Western democracy. Therein lies the reason why Russia is afraid and shy away from its president, whom in a decent society will soon be driven in vain. It's unlikely there will be a politician who decides to negotiate something with a liar and a deceiver. For example, the intellectual Obama stopped all contacts with Putin, realizing the futility of any negotiations with the Russian president. "Friend Putin" disappeared along with the cowboy from the policy of Bush-junior, by the will of circumstances, happened to be in the White House. Today neither Russia nor its president has friends of the Armenian dashnaks, Tehran obscurantists, and the bloody Syrian dictator, which they call ashamed.
Putin's Russia carries a real danger to the world community, which should clearly define who Putin is and what his country is.