The Russians are an amazing people, they love their bloody dictators. They still love the executioner Stalin with love. The Russian people were delighted that Putin flooded Chechnya. The imperial worldview of the Russian people is the basis of the power of the dictator Stalin and the revanchist Putin, in whose plans to restore Russia within the borders of the USSR.
"flooded Chechnya" Pls tell me more about this? He was fighting islamic terrorists there, who are now fighting along with IS Syria.
The Chechen people wanted freedom from the Russian invaders. And here is religion? Yes, Chechens are Muslims, so what? If they profess Islam, then they are not worthy to be a free people? You read my article "International terrorism and its interest" because once you find the answer about Islamic terrorism. http://Https://
I will now put specifically for you the topic of the war in Chechnya.
Eh just you forget somehow that they started to kill 10000 Russians living peacefully in Chechnya along with them. Thats just twisting up the story my "friend".
Wanting "freedom" which they btw got later and turned Chechnya in the biggest shithole on earth between war 1 and war 2.
Whence such false data? Here is the fact that the Russians deported the Chechen people three times this is known, but about the fact that the Chechens started the struggle for freedom from the murder of 10000 Russians for the first time I hear. Maybe give a link. Thank you.
And yet, is it not better to conduct a conversation about Chechnya in a topic that I specially placed for you here on the forum.