Just a couple of weeks ago bitcoin was blasting over $1000, so I am wondering if anyone made big money by selling their BTC? Now it has came down to $830, even if last week it was close to $900, so I am not seeing getting back to $1000 anytime soon. Any profits or regrets here?

All the people like me who are holding some coins they bought when price was at 250$
First time I ever made a 4times profit ever xD
But problem is that everyone will be full of regrets the moment BTC will crash the 2k$

DAM, you lucky!!
I would like to know who was it that shorted this from over 1100. It was looking so bad for shorters - you'd have to have balls of steel to hold it through the pain.
Balls of steel are needed for any risky business. Trading is not an easy thing to do, almost every action they take is a big risk. This situation now shows how tricky can be trading with bitcoins.
I sold some bitcoins but just cause I needed money, and cashing out is always good profit for me, and I think about like extra earning.
Ah don' have balls o' steel! But I din't sell no bitcoin when we was up at $1100. I jist sit there, aroused, watchin tha upward trajectory. I tells you, it was a fine ol' time. An' we'll git back there soon.
HOLY MACKEREL!! We at $853.17 now. Thet's pretty dam good, don't y'all think?