The money is on the economy's side. The economic majority is what gives value to the bits and bytes that the miners create. If the miners can't sell their bitcoins they are screwed. If they give up then new miners will arrive because bitcoin mining is a competitive market.
First of all, there is no such thing as "economic majority" - you're just making this up.
Second, the money (bitcoin) is made by the miners - they have it in the first place.
What you are saying is that either bitcoin will become like you want, or you are not going to buy it anymore.
But just how is it different from you (or your "economic majority") not buying it in the first place?
Seriously, bitcoin doesn't care - it will always find buyers, just like it has before.
And the third, I would love to live the time when you are activating your "UASF".
Honestly, I cannot wait. Just to see your faces...
I'm not making anything up, the phrase "economic majority" has been used at least since 2012, and the concept much earlier. See, it's an abstract construct. A theoretical entity that is allegedly capable of controlling the bitcoin protocol, but in reality its existence has not even been proven.
I might just as well say that bitcoin protocol is controled by God. The phrase "God" has been used since like forever. See therefore if you want to have segwit activated, you just need to pray...
Wouldn't that be a crazy thing to say?
And that's exactly how crazy I see your idea: 0% science, 100% faith.
Bitcoin miners do not make money, they make bitcoins. Unless bitcoins have a network of users willing to trade them for real goods and services then those coins are just worthless bytes on some hard drive. There's plenty of copies of bitcoin made into altcoins that also have miners, but something is obviously missing because they are worthless compared to bitcoin. Remember those miners who continued mining 50btc after the first halvening? They found out the hard way that it's the economic majority that makes the rules.
But bitcoin is money - it will stay being money, even after all the other money disappears.
And this money has value because since it was born there has been a demand for it.
Demand to buy the mined bitcoins, to buy bitcoins from the miners defined as mining majority.
Now you are saying that you can kill the demand for the bitcoins mined by the mining majority, and replace it with a demand for bitcoins created in a different way.
Are you sure you can do this?
Because I am pretty sure that you'd only create another "copy of bitcoin made into altcoin", while the old fashion bitcoins would go on and be just fine.