Mayweather landed more punches, an indisputable fact. He connected 148 of 435 punches (34.0%), compared to 81 of 429 for Manny (18.9%).
He jabbed, retreated and when Manny got within punching distance, Mayweather just locked him.
This is boxing after all, not a street brawl.
This is the judges' scorecard, which many other neutral observers agreed with (including The Guardian, which scored the fight 116-112 well before the judges' score was announced).
in the scorecard, the winner is the boxer in the red corner, do you remember who is in the red corner? it is Pacquiao. Who chose the refferee? who chose the judges? Do you honestly think mayweather win the match? he can even fight he is always running. Define boxing, im sure it is not running