Workers don't like their property - their labor that is converted into money - stolen from them. That's what the welfare state does.
The idea of helping the poor, or supporting those who are disabled, is noble. The idea of organizing a welfare state so that the organizers can steal some of the money for themselves even though they give other money to the poor, is criminal.
People are generally compassionate. They will help others who are in need. For those who are in need but haven't been reached by the compassionate, let the organizers request donations rather than creating a welfare state. Some people will always donate.
Removal of the welfare state will get the welfare recipients who don't really need welfare, up off their behinds, and out there working for a living. All the rest of us will get to keep more of what we work for. We will spend some of it on things that we want and need. More jobs will be created. Prosperity will abound.
The welfare state is destroying us.
you say people are compassionate? then why is 40% of the worlds wealth dominated by the 1%
What does the greedy or lucky 1% have to do with the fact that people are generally compassionate? The world's population is estimated at 7.4 billion. One percent of that is 74 million. That's only about 22.5 % of the U.S. population. So, what do the greedy have to do with the compassionate? Here's what. The greedy who happen to have pets, or ranches, or horses, etc., often have a great deal of compassion for their animals. And they would for the world of people as well, if they thought the 99% of the world that isn't wealthy weren't a bunch of greedy b******s who love to sit on their behinds doing nothing except milk the welfare system.
It's about equality. Welfare instills it to some extent. captalism preserves scarcity and in it's natural state is imbalance. are you making the argument that the 99% is greedy? kind of ironic
There isn't any equality. Even identical twins are not equal. Everyone is at least a little different from everyone else. Now think about this that I am going to say. Here it is. "Since everyone is different than everyone else, we are all equal in the sense that we are all different from everyone else." We are all the same in the fact that we are all people. We are all different in almost everything else.
Why should someone get results of the labor of someone else when that labor is taken by force? That's what the welfare state does. And while they are doing it, they, the welfare state people, help themselves to an extra share of the property that they claim to be doling out, even though they don't deserve it.
People don't need the welfare state. They don't need government at all. After all, government and welfare state are made up of people. Most of the time those people simply skim off the top. Since the people are still people without the welfare state or any other government, they can live even better without government and the welfare state leaching off them.