Hi. Serious question. I'm new to this forums and new to a few coins I'm looking into, but not new to bitcoin. Any time I make posts or comments, someone always has something really pessimistic or rude or judgmental to say. Just doesn't seem friendly to new people or those who think outside the box. How come?
Unfortunately, you are right.
It seems that anonymity in the virtual world gives people the courage to do what they otherwise would never do in the real world.
The only way to keep this forum a friendly place are increased activity of admins and banning users who do not comply to the forum.People are banned for breaking forum rules but being mean or saying something someone doesn't like aren't against the rules and the staff have better things to do than remove posts from people who just disagree or don't get along. It would take a lot of time and effort from them so they don't get involved with users business mostly which is a good thing and that's why scams aren't moderated by staff here either.
The answer, of course, is something like...
Place a couple of vote buttons on each post. Every Username is allowed only one vote (you would have to be logged in to vote). There could be a minimum number of take-down votes (say, 10 or 20) before the post would be removed. But, once the minimum was reached, 10 days later the post would come down unless the keep-post button had more votes than the take-down button.
The original of the post would be kept in the commenter's personal information page unless he deleted it. That way people could go and view posts that they can't find now, that they had read once. It might be appropriate to leave a note in every spot that a post was taken down, so that people know that a post had been there, and where to go to look at it in the commenter's personal information page.
Regarding posts that had been taken down, the vote buttons in the commenter's personal information page might be left active so that there was a chance to restore the page in the future if other voters thought it was a good post after all.
The whole process would be automatic, left up to forum members. This would free up time for the mods.
EDIT: Obviously, if you were logged in and voted, you could change your vote simply by voting opposite the way you had voted previously.