Why are there so many scams?Because the Deep State has spent decades training people through television shows and movies to remain stupid. Scammers thank the Deep State. Even when they are scammed by the Deep Sate, they are still thankful, because they are learning new techniques.
Russia is different.
Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church condemns Western gender transitions as ‘Apocalyptic’
https://www.naturalnews.com/2025-01-09-head-of-russian-orthodox-church-condemns-western-gender-transitions.htmlIn a fiery televised interview on Orthodox Christmas, Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, denounced the West’s acceptance of gender transitions as a harbinger of moral collapse, declaring that such practices “smell of apocalypse.”
Speaking from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, Kirill framed Russia as a bulwark against what he described as the West’s abandonment of faith and moral principles, positioning the nation as a spiritual counterweight to Western secularism.
The patriarch’s remarks come amid a broader cultural and political campaign by the Russian government to position itself as a defender of traditional values, in stark contrast to what it portrays as the moral decay of Western societies.
A spiritual battle against western ‘moral decay’Patriarch Kirill’s critique of the West focused heavily on the normalization of gender transitions, which he described as a violation of divine law. “What is happening there smells of apocalypse,” he said, referring to Western nations. “This is against God’s law, and it will never be accepted in Russia as long as we remain faithful to our millennia-old cultural and spiritual heritage.”
The patriarch’s remarks reflect a broader narrative within Russia that frames the country as a guardian of traditional Christian values. He contrasted Russia’s spiritual vitality with what he portrayed as the decline of faith in the West. “They are astonished that we are building churches – 400 in Moscow alone,” Kirill said.
“In the West, churches are being repurposed, in the best case into mosques, and in the worst case into entertainment venues.”
This rhetoric aligns with the Kremlin’s long-standing efforts to position Russia as a global leader in the defense of conservative values. In recent years, the Russian government has enacted a series of laws targeting LGBTQ+ rights, including a 2013 ban on “gay propaganda” and, more recently, sweeping restrictions on gender reassignment procedures.
Russia’s legislative crackdown on gender transitionsIn July 2023, Russia introduced legislation that effectively banned medical gender transitions, except in cases involving birth abnormalities. The law, which was framed as a measure to protect children from the “transgender industry,” prohibits individuals from changing their gender on official documents and outlaws most medical interventions related to gender reassignment.