How "NEW" I am or anyone else for the matter does not make any facts that I have stated any less true,and I obviously am WAY more informed then someone so esteemed as yourself.
you are correct about you being "NEW" doesn't change anything. but lets check these "facts" you speak of and see how "informed you really are.
faster transaction
bitcoin and bitcoin cash both have the same block times and follow same rules except the block size and having SegWit. nothing else.
this means transactions have same "speed" so to speak.
at a fraction of the price
fees are only low because of two things:
price is low + nobody is using BCH
as for comparing it with bitcoin, bitcoin fees went up only to protect it against spam attack. if bitcoin cash stops creating 95-99% empty (100-500 kB) blocks and starts creating 95%+ full blocks, it WILL be under spam attack the same way bitcoin is and by then fees of BCH will also rise and that is when many of BCH nodes will fail because not only they have to verify 8 MB of data each time a new block is mined but also they have to hold a huge backlog of transactions which they also have to verify and hold in their memory.
the first thing will be running out of RAM, second will be excessive use of CPU power and finally is the excessive use of network. all of which is 8 times more that what bitcoin is using.
Do you honestly think the future of crypto is going to a coffee shop and waiting 30 min and paying 8 $ in fees to buy a coffee?
Satoshi never created bitcoin to be used for paying for coffee. and it never takes more than 10 minutes nor more than 10 cents to send a bitcoin transaction. apart from during the spam attack, something that BCH is also susceptible to.