That's right...not to mention its use-case. Gold thrives on its scarcity, limited supply and certain physical properties that supersede other metals, and it will also thrive at the time that worthless paper money meets its propelled demise. Draw-backs include storage, transfer of ownership, and availability to purchase/sell. Bitcoin solves what gold lacks in, so I agree with you strongly that Bitcoin will surpass the market cap of gold.
I've said before in another thread, one day the main pair of bitcoin will be against the value of gold, instead of the value of the dollar or other fiat currencies. Alongside the pair of UM (Universal Money) which will probably supersede all fiat (at least in the west) and BRICS (if this actually comes to fruition) over the next 2 - 5 years.
Interesting times!
Other than distribution methods, like jewelry, which provides more volume/trade for gold or maybe some demand, do you have any other use-case or economic benefit in mind for gold that Bitcoin doesn't?