For god: he is nothing like anyone believes. Its more like morality inside us. buddhists call it good carma (would be my religion of choice, if i would choose one). But also my morality guides me to accept all different kinds of views. in the end, its almost all about the same (gppd) thing: enlarge morality.
And truly this world is so remarkable, that one should really think someone must have invented this
But I believe in randomness (I solo mine also harhar). With that many stars and galaxies out there, it had to happen. We are the lotto jackpot times a million.
So please try to save nature...god/buddha/satan/insert random god/random hero will not save it for us.
Instead system earth will wipe us, it will suffer in the process, but in the end survive.
... but hey im moving of topic...
But please do not get fanatic about religion, like some groups do in EVERY(excemptions prrove the rule) religion.
about the Jews and the non holocaust:
I am a schnitzel and sauerkraut german. It happened..., you know why? Because some leaders killed their own people (khmer in Camodia for example), why not kill a different race? ....
And proof you see everyday in Germany are the so called "stolpersteine". Its a metalplated stone near houses where jews lived and were deported. I think if they were alive, they would have come back for their house.
Dont believe everything in the media, definitely not, but trust me on this one: The holocaust happened.
(and how i am pissed off that even after 2.5 generations everywhere you go in the world it is rubbed under your nose: nazi, jews, blablabla)
And for some morality: some things are hardwired into our brain (again rules make the excemption (hello randomness), dont expect in 7 billion people every wiring in the brain to be okay) and this also makes the bridge to "by some groups hated" evolution.
those sick people will either be put to jail/murdered/will die themselves/etc or it will be sometimes such "wrong wiring" that it prooves to be better/efficient/more survivable than the others.
The change will vanish or stay.
It might also bring the old normal wiring "out of business" (do not find the word for "verdrängen" right now)
give it time and randomness and it will strengthen the system.
Last sentence sound a lot like bitcoin (yeahh my brain wiring is back to the topic of the forum, hate those philosophical discussions, everyone shall believe what they want, but i have my big picture puzzle and I am always glad to hear about new parts
Rampone (no the soccermom playing for the USA
just my 2 cBTC