He probably only had experience programming in windows and with GUIs. Bitcoin 0.1.0 was a Windows only, GUI only application.
This sounds plausible to me. Back in the Flintstones age, I used Windows servers for years because Windows was used in the medialab where I trained as well as by my first ICT employer. Sometimes it’s more practical to use a crappy platform you know than a better one which you’re previously unfamiliar with
I agree,
especially if what you're making is electronic money. Stick with what you know well because the probability that you'll screw something up on the platform you don't know as well is much higher than the chance that 3 letter agencies are going to mess with your creation (especially back when Bitcoin was 'born').
Once the source code was published (I don't know if that was right from the jump or a little later), it is open to the world for audit/review/porting to other platforms. It is hugely important to "know what you don't know" and defer to the expertise of others in those areas and/or increase your knowledge and competency in that new area.
As we see from the spectre/meltdown vulnerabilities, there will always be weak points, possible vectors of attack, in any sophisticated system that are essentially outside of your control. Do the best you can with what is in your control and a development process that favors continuous improvement will serve as a feedback loop driving further refinement. From what I can discern of Bitcoin's early days, it was pretty good out of the gate, but it's certainly improved in many ways since it's inception. That will continue. That's one of the great things about technology, continuous improvement, especially in open source projects.
Best regards,