You could always try the donation route, but then people will label you as a scammer, when you are legit in need. Like for instance, no doctors are accepting patience in the area I live, yet I was diagnosed formally as being disabled in my hometown. Therefore I have to pay out of pocket to get any of my medicine, and see a doctor. I don't have insurance, my teeth are falling apart, but I just might be a scammer (warning bitter and satire here)
So basically you are getting your ass raped. In 2011 when they were $14 bucks I was facing one of the worst periods of my life, and I didn't think then to buy maybe one or two when right now I could be holding the future of my life.
Not that there are any generous people on this fucking forum who could take in consideration I've got a fucking grandmother who has 3-6 months to live, a mother going through chemo and my father who might have melanoma.
Anyways, yeah it's an ass rape.
this will change your life more than a couple bitcoins if you actually want it and work it. And thats a FACT.