N.T. expression of killing was never by a command of God, or in a command of one of God's N.T. prophets, nor do we have even one example of a Christian killing... in the N.T.
It's either that you are ignorant, or that you have bad faith.
Most grocery stores in most countries sell some form of coffee. Get some coffee, so that you can perk up a pot of it, and wake up and smell the coffee.
''Acts 12:23
And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.''
''Detailed in the passages where God sends four horsemen (Revelation 6:1-7), commands the angels to sound seven trumpets (Revelation 8:7-11:15), commands the angels to unleash seven plagues (Revelation 16:2-17). Finally the Great Beast, his False Prophet and all non-saved are cast into a Lake of Fire.''
God himself sent others to kill people, you only have to read it, you seem confused...
However, it never talks about others doing any of the killing without God. And maybe even with Him. How is that? Because God is almighty. Anything that anyone does is really done by God, because it is God Who does everything. He has the right, because He is owner. You simply don't understand the gracious goodness of God. See https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.51050551.
''Anything that anyone does is really done by God, because it is God Who does everything.'' So it's god's fault then when people go to hell.
^^^ Again, you forgot the part that the loving God perfectly does what people ask. "Ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you." Stop being so ambiguous in your requests so that you will ask only for the things that you really want, and get them.
It's God's doing when people go to Hell, by giving them what they asked for... absence of God holding them out of Hell.
Just push Him a little more. Just a little further. He'll let go of you if you really want Him to. But don't doubt. Really want it, and really ask Him for it... and really enjoy the pain when you get it.
An all loving god would not make hell in the first place, 5 year old would understand that. What's the purpose of hell? Torture people forever for... what? No point, senseless, only a retard would think that makes any sense.