1. Taking it quickly makes you stand out and show your confidence.
That is the best way to get people to stop and see you as a leader, as someone to be reckoned with. The most successful start ups are run by people who will never be "ok" with the status quo. Having knowledge combined with self-confidence makes you shine.
From everything that you wrote, I singled out for myself a phrase that I will remember and, most likely, type and hang in front of the computer: "Knowledge, combined with self-confidence, makes you shine."
Yes, the risk is justified if you risk wisely.
There are many cases where the risk was unjustified. Some novice investors notice the growth of digital currency and, wanting to bite off a piece of their cake, fall into the hands of fraudsters. And there are newcomers who are burned for the first time and immediately leave, after an unsuccessful experience.
Need to learn from your mistakes, they will give experience and knowledge that will help to make a profit.