no you are wrong they more screwed the any one else,,,,because normal people already suffer from everything , long day job and low salaries and much more they long ago feel this....
when greece crashed the normal people didnt take ot so much serouies its even fun for them after so boring life with almost no money and all day long job...they already screwed , YET the riches , wait this
I don't claim to be an expert in economics and such, but I 100% doubt the "normal" people found a financial crisis "fun" lmao. I'm pretty sure the majority of their wealth(fiat) being valued far less than it used to isn't "fun".
do you know the very rich people of greece a alot of them hit heart attack , and other things when greece crashed relative to normal people which it dosent move there balls because they already there somehow,,,
in the moment greece opened the banks again the riches fast convereted the money to usd and the smartest convert to diamonds because....its cannot crash like paper money.
Do you have any source for this? I'm genuinely interested. I heavily doubt that diamonds are the chosen asset of the rich to be used as a hedge.
search on the web about the diamonds this rich people so fear to lose the money they have and after this kind of crash they search other store of value....some of them know this simple fact that usd is backed by 20 trillion debt and simple movement can crash everything there and everything is depends on usd and after all other paper money most of them have shit value maybe euro and another one great yet they depend on usd, so the fear lead to convert to diamonds rather then gold because with gold you need huge security and other shit compare to small quality diamonds.
but after all this why crypto win why?
1. its peer to peer here the huge value of bitcoin come its put out governments/banks/paypla and bunch other from the chain.
2. its store of value like gold and diamonds and cash in the same time which mean gold/diamonds the selling rate will always grow because you need to convert them back to some kind of cash(value) that accepeted everywhere in order to buy cars,house,clothes and this mean you cannot sell all the diamonds and gold in the world the supply is huge which mean some will stuck with it and need wait to convert yet bitcoin is store of value and cash.
3. bitcoin supply and other low supply coins have much less supply then gold/diamonds relative there is equation to see this in nice difference.
4. compare to selling rate of diamonds and gold which only will grow because in the end they must to convert it to buy things compare to crypto which selling rate soon will fall because soon and already pop startups that which help us to buy with crypro hence the selling rate of crypto will fall and price will surge very soon without even demand growed,,,its because selling rate fall and people not convert crypto to cash fiat rather buy with it directly.
i just said you wrong i also dont expert in others area ....we equal somehow
but this is how we learn by sharing quality info and sharp each other rather then bullshit posts which lead to no where
peace mate