I firmly believe that Satoshi (whether it be a single person or a group of people) had planned to never reveal their identity form the very beginning. It only makes sense if you think about it. In order for bitcoin to be the currency of the people, they needed it to not have a central figure behind everything. By not having a main person, or CEO or whatever you'd want to call it, it helped prove that this is a decentralized currency not controlled by any one person.
I agree, it was part of the plan or built into the schedule from the get go.
Whatever about now but back in 2009/2010 Satoshi would have been arrested for sure
and "he" knew the implications of releasing Bitcoin into the wild.
The anonymity of Satoshi is a masterclass in remaining invisible. Two great feats,
Bringing us Bitcoin and remaining invisible.
Why doesn't Satoshi reveal their identity?
Why would he/she/they bother at this stage? there is clearly no advantage to
doing it. I firmly believe that nobody cares who Satoshi is just the same as
all these people who create threads about the identity, it doesnt matter - anymore