There never was a burden of proof on me. However, the proof is shown in the links above. Now, rebut with rebuttal, and explain how the rebuttal is a rebuttal, point by point. If you don't, it will be known that the things you say are hogwash.
Your credibility is getting smaller all the time. Do you even have any left. Keep it up. We like it.
Your losing it....
You have made a claim and now you need to prove it.
You claim your god is real.... well prove it.
The burden of prove is with you.
If you can show proof then I will disprove it.
You have no credibility and that is hurting you.
Since you are unwilling to take the time to understand the proof, there is no way to prove it to you. However, that is your doing... remaining in ignorance.
This does not mean that the proof doesn't exist. It simply means that you are unwilling or unable to except it.
As I said in another post:
Imagine that big bang theory were proven to be factual. Then, suppose that you read the proof, which included all the math in the theory. Do you understand the math of big bang theory? Maybe. But if you don't, big bang has not been proven for you.
The fact that you suggest that there is no proof for the existence of God, simply shows how mentally inept you are. If you had said, "I don't understand the proof, therefore there isn't any proof for me," you would be showing yourself to be honest, maybe. At least you would be a lot closer to honesty than the way you are treating the situation.
But if you say, "I understand the so-called proof, and have found it to NOT be truth..." But where is your rebuttal? You haven't shown any. In this case you are found out to be a simple liar.
Praise God that He has left evidence and proof of Himself, so that we can be assured of His great love for us!
Now, as for the topic of this thread...
God exists in the minds of all people because that is the way He made things to be.