Thankfully I am not American!
Where is your evidence to show that these have all been rebutted?
You have raised a point so now you get to show the evidence.
I'd like scientific journals which are peer reviewed please.
The rebuttal is in the many websites that show other explanations.
Before you can get peer reviewed scientific journals, you have to have some that show that there is proof. However, did you notice the word "peer." What this means is that if you get a thief to state a lie, all his buddy thieves will state it because they are... his buddies.
Peer review has just been rebutted.
Nope not rebutted, that is just your opinion. Show me the proof that "ALL" peer reviews are false. Because you can't, your attempt at rebuttal has failed.
Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity and so on and so on and so on.
This can be called peer reviewed of religion and they all have a different opinion.... so none can be real.
Thank you for showing that your god does not exist.
Well, all you showed was a website. So, even if there were papers that upheld your points, the websites that show yours is wrong are rebuttals to your website.
An electric range in a kitchen is science. But it doesn't have any peer reviewed papers. The scientific laws expressed in the below websites prove that God exists. They don't come close to suggesting that you have to accept or believe.
However, because they are scientific laws, until you can show the rebuttal you have expressed that there is, you don't have the rebuttal. Sorry, chucklehead. God exists. But, even if He didn't, the simple fact that you state that you are an atheist shows that you are deceptive or ignorant. Why? Because you don't have anywhere near enough knowledge to know and prove that God does NOT exist.
Do you have a fascination with yourself? Are you trying to set yourself up as another David Koresh, or even a Jim Jones?
All you have shown is links to yourself. Your links are not proof so you need to provide evidence.
You have not shown any proof and you fail in your understanding of the proofs given.
BADecker principle rule number 1:
"If a point of discussion does not meet criteria of one's own belief, then ignore the context and claim it is wrong".
Therefore, your proof is wrong, so please give me proof. Burden of proof lies with those who claim god exists can be found here. Answer to the first cause argument can be found here.
Since you are not into accepting proof that you don't want to accept, there is no reason to keep on giving it to you.
You haven't noticed, have you, that you haven't once offered any rebuttal to the proof that God exists.
Your words are not proof.
Find real proof or give up.
You haven't noticed, have you , that proof has been given. You just choose not to accept it. Many people have supplied you with proof, however, you disregard and then post your own words as proof.
That's good that my words aren't proof. Of course, my words that express the proof don't stop it from being proof.
Come on! Be strong. You can rebut the proof that God exists. Don't simply say that it has been rebutted. Don't simply show some websites that you say have rebutted the proof. Get into the thing yourself. Show how the proof has been rebutted step by step. Are you so lazy? Is it really too much work? You realize, don't you, that all your talk is a lot of work over the days and weeks. If you can't get into it and state the way the points of proof are rebutted point by point, step by step, how can you or anyone really even know that you have found a rebuttal?
Until you can clearly show the rebuttal by getting right into the explanation of it, all your talk about a rebuttal is hogwash. All you are doing is strengthening the fact that God exists in the minds of all who watch the things you do and say. Your atheism religion was stupid to begin with. But it is an utter lie since it has been rebutted by the proof that God exists.
However, even if God didn't exist, atheism is really stupid, Why? Because nobody has near enough knowledge of the universe to state with any certainty that God does not exist.
Atheism is a religious cult. Even the dictionary definition of "religion" shows that atheism is a religion, indirectly.
And you fail to understand that the burden of proof is on you to show the proof of your god's existence.
You claim it to be true, so prove it.
The rest of your writings are just "hogwash".
There never was a burden of proof on me. However, the proof is shown in the links above. Now, rebut with rebuttal, and explain how the rebuttal is a rebuttal, point by point. If you don't, it will be known that the things you say are hogwash.
Your credibility is getting smaller all the time. Do you even have any left. Keep it up. We like it.