Your topic and some parts of your posts are contradictory but I’ll speak base on your highlighted points.
- We have the realistic traders which i will elaborate on this are traders with the real goals of Hodling, Accumulating and also they focus more on the priorities stability of the trade and maybe in terms of the risk management's to and most of there goal is to achieve the keep accumulating process and Hodling using the long term strategy while trading...
This is something that even some optimist traders have in them, I can’t seem to find a lot of difference in them as they possess some kind of similarities just that they have more the subject used to differentiate them more in them than the other they’re not been described about. A realistic trade could bear more patience and wait for the market since they know the market law can’t be broken and no matter how long it takes, it will still work out in the long term.
- We have the optimistic traders which I will say are always have there high Hope's on the trading speculation and putting their high hopes on the short term grain the funniest part of it they are kind of emotional when the trade is at a dip point, last but not the least their mindset are always set on getting-rich-qiuckly...
That’s to say that optimistic traders hopes are very high and are always looking for a way to get rich quickly. In as far as that type of high hopes expectations is needed for a trader to grow in the space, it doesn’t mean the steps to achieving that will be skipped. You need to have worked for that through learning, patience and understanding of the market structure. It always don’t come easy and when it does come at last, you’ll value it more because of the value you’ve putting into learning it.
I gust this is what the crypto space is turning into now and if the mindset of an optimist traders is adopted by the newbies thing meant go wrong with time..
A newbie should rather have their plans ready and not just follow on all the footsteps of a trader they admire. They are just there to guide you and not you following their footsteps. Their footsteps may not align with yours and level of comprehension, so it’s better to stick to something more realistic that you see than what you don’t see and just blindly following.