No, I'm not telling lies... it would appear that you are still not understanding how a seed + passphrase combination works
Encrypted Private key = traces/evidence...
Encrypted Seed = traces/evidence...
However, the advantage of the seed system over an encrypted private key is this:
Handover password to encrypted private key = private key exposed, all coins controlled by that key exposed.
Handover password to encrypted seed = seed exposed... ONLY the default wallet is exposed...
all other wallets generated using passphrases from that seed are invisible/hidden with no traces/evidenceYou cannot prove the existence of ANY of these hidden wallets... as there is NO EVIDENCE OR TRACE of them anywhere... they are only generated by a passphrase that exists purely inside your head.
Hopefully, that helps clear things up for you.
If the hacker needs the seed + passphrase to unlock the keys, then they will ask for them both, not just the seed.
Like I said, any way a hardware wallet user would use to recover his keys if ever his wallet got lost, stolen, destroyed, i.e. he does step 1, then step 2, then step 3, etc for recovery, so will the hacker ask for the necessary information to commit the same steps for the keys.
If you have a lot of things to remember/memorize, i.e. the seed, the passphrase, the PIN, etc, then the weakest link in the whole security is your brain.
Ultimately you will still need to record/store all these in one place just in case you forgotten any of them.
And that will still boils down to the need for encryption of all of them just so you only need to remember less things, i.e. remember 1 vs remember 3.
My method tries to simplify the steps so the requirement is to remember only 1 thing in order to prevent the brain from being a weak link.
In case you still don't realize this, the method I laid out in my article covers from the very start to the very end of securing the cold storage.
Using the hardware wallet for cold storage, on the other hand, describes the steps only half way thru.
Hardware companies don't explain to users that while they need to do a paper backup of their seeds/passphrases, they also need to back it up securely, i.e. using a 2nd computer to encrypt the backup.
Instead, the companies leave this area of discussion out for users' imagination and that opens to huge security risks that the hardware companies avoid addressing.
Because if they choose to address how to secure the paper backups of the seeds/passphrases, they may give the correct impression that users don't need hardware wallet after all.
Why did I say my method explains going from Point A to Point B?
Why did I say you (being pro-hardware wallet) explains going from Point A to Point C, then from Point C to Point D, and finally from Point D to Point B?
Because when you talk about securing the keys thru hardware wallet only, you only give the direction from Point A to Point C.
And when you talk about dummy wallets (to fake savings) and passphrases (to make things hidden), you give direction from Point C to Point D.
Finally when you mention about encrypting the seeds/passphrases, you give the direction from Point D to Point B (the final destination).
For you to keep arguing about how and why hardware wallet is safe and secure certainly gives the false impression that no backup is necessary, i.e. the direction to go from Point D to Point B.
However a backup (of the seeds, passphrases, and PIN if you are using hardware wallet) is STILL necessary to complete the whole steps in securing the keys.
And that's where the direction to Point B is needed, which the hardware wallet companies try to avoid covering.
Because if they do, the users will realize if they have to go thru 2 extra Points to reach Point B, then might as well just encrypt the keys direct to save themselves the hassle of going thru Point C and Point D unnecessarily.
Will the extra steps (i.e. going thru Point C and Point D, to reach Point B) worth the trouble?
Will that help make the cold storage more secure?
The answer is a big NO.
Having to go thru extra unnecessary steps complicates things and may create higher chance of user error.
If a hacker is savvy enough to recover your keys from your hardware wallet, I assume he will be savvy enough to know what necessary information to ask for the recovery, thus vulnerability to the $5 wrench.
I do not see a hacker being Dorky enough like me who doesn't know about hardware wallet and just kidnap you, ask for the seeds, let you go, then found out I need more than just seeds, and figured out I need to re-kidnap you again for more information.
I see a hacker being very savvy, does his homework completely, kidnaps you and ask for the seeds, passphrases, and PIN, all in one go, and verify everything on the spot to make sure you tell the truth before letting you go with everything stolen.
Going thru unnecessary steps to secure the keys is not worth the complications, which is why I came out with my method, which is not really even a proprietary stuff.
Anyone who cares about his own security will most likely arrive at the same/similar method too.